Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tell Your Story by a Storyteller

Educational Presentation of Company Facts and Potential
Multi-Media Communication for Industry and Investment
Industrial News, Videography, Photography on WWWeb
Composing Blog Sites, Charts and Graphics
Lead With Facts.
Knowledge is Power.
Lack of Knowledge is Market Loss.
People know what they hear, see, understand or witness.

Virtual Tours via Video on YouTube Presents Knowledge
Without the danger of a jobsite and the insurance coverage
Without the expenses of a meeting place for a seminar
Without the expenses of a printing and hauling brochures
Without the logistics of scheduling a public presentation

that 90+% of your market can not attend...

This video shows that market awareness increased due to video news with next-day, unedited, on-the-fly videography
The long version of this blog presentation shows the facts of market value increasing 86% only after videos were available on the world-wide web (InternetExplorations blog link further in this text).
Market transaction value was either flat or decreasing before video release. Large increase in short period after video release happened two times in 2008.

Encouraging, Stabilizing and Strengthening Group Confidence
~ via ~
Communication on the Publically Available World-Wide Web
Video Post Production

We can make technicals dance!

Editing of Textual and Graphic Communication

On-Line Still Image Gallery Views at this channel: 43,002
(June 6, 2008 to February 25, 2009 )

Videos Uploaded: 95
(less than the full library are portrayed for rotation)

Channel Views: 2,994
(Linked into 2,994 web sites around the world!)
During 9 months as of 2-25-2009, these Short Clips of an emerging mineral exploration company have provided educational material to investors. The following statistics in next link are directly from YouTube, a division of Google.
Approx. 1% to 2% of investors are able to attend public presentations of company development. The other 98% can still render their opinion remotely with buying transactions or closing transactions or lack thereof. Sampling of Investor Response to Videos of Company presentations from a Summer Seminar and Autumn Open House in 2008.

On Site News Recording:
Mineral Reserve Update Presentation during Open House

The long version of this presentation adds many more facts to substantiate claims and a third example where two features were the only news about a company and the market capitalization increased by $16.7 million in 3 weeks

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